

DDoS attacks of all sorts recorded during Rio games

On the technical side of things, Arbor revealed that most of the attacks were carried out using DDoS botnets built using LizardStresser, a DDoSing tool open-sourced by Lizard Squad last year. (????)

While LizardStresser is notorious for not being able to launch reflection DDoS attacks, Arbor noted that reflection (amplification) attacks were also recorded, meaning that other types of botnets were also involved.

Arbor says that a large proportion of the attack volume consisted of reflection attack vectors such as DNS, Chargen, NTP, and SSDP.

Classic packet flood attacks using UDP and TCP SYN packets were also deployed, along with application-layer attacks against Web and DNS servers.


1. ARBORの報告

By ASERT team on 08/31/2016. リオデジャネイロオリンピックで、毎秒540GbのDDoS攻撃を防御

Generic Routing Encapsulation(GRE)はアドホックの非暗号化VPN型トンネルに使用されています。