1. watchA


    1. watchA
  1. history

We play in a Meckwell lite frame:
1♣ - 1♥ 8-11 HCP denies 5♠
1♣ - 1♠ 8+ HCP 5+ ♠
1♣ - 1NT 12+ HCP, 5+ ♣
1♣ - 2♣ 12+ HCP, 5+ ♦
1♣ - 2♦ 12+ HCP, 5+ ♥
1♣ - 2♥ 14+ HCP, BAL, can have 1 or 2 4card M, no 5card suit
1♣ - 2♠ 12+ HCP, any 4441
1♣ - 2N 12-13 HCP, BAL, can have 1 or 2 4card M, no 5 card suit

As a passed hand, 1♠ 1N, 2♣, 2♦, 2♠ show 8-10 HCP, otherwise the meaning remains the same.
 So 1♣ -1♥ from a passed hand denies a 5 card suit.
May 2, 2017

2. history

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